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Hexabingo – 27-Ball Bingo

Hexabingo is nothing if not different! Forget everything you know about basic online bingo, because nothing about this game seems familiar at all.

The look is totally unique here. Hexagonal shapes back up the background, while the game itself is only a 27-ball affair.

There are only three players permitted per game, giving it an exclusive feel, and maximum prizes per game range from 500 to 100,000 credits as they all depend on your buy-in. You can buy your way into the game for as little as 0.50, which allows you to play for the 500 credits, though entry can be gained at all rates right up to 100 a game which allows you to go for the massive 100,000 credits.

Despite this being a very new format, playing is easy. There are only 27 numbers, split into three groups. As numbers are called they are marked off your card automatically.

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